Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Keyword Density For High Traffic

Keyword density is one of the major factors which decides the traffic on your site. If you do a proper keyword density optimization in accordance with the needs of the search engines, getting a good and high traffic is sometimes just a cake walk. You will find many bloggers emphasizing particularly on keyword density for search engine optimizing your site and getting high traffic. Keyword density optimization is also one of the easiest as well as the trickiest part of SEO.

Keyword density becomes tricky when you get to know that a keyword density which is loved by a particular search engine will be considered to be a spam by another search engine. Even then you can do some real time keyword density optimization of your site which will be highly rewarding to you hence forth. Follow the following basic tips for obtaining the best keyword density for getting a high traffic:

Keyword density should not exceed 7%: I consider the optimum density to be 5-7% and so do most of the SEO experts. If your keyword density exceeds the above limit in every post, the Googlebot will doubt your site to be a spam.

Do not concentrate Keywords in a single portion of the post: This may sound unusual but keywords should be uniformly distributed throughout the post. High keyword density is basically used in order to tell the search engine what your site is basically about.

Let the keyword density be a bit more high in the first and last paragraph: Yes let the keyword density be a little higher in the initial and final para as the search engine give much importance to the introduction and the conclusion section of a post.

High Keyword density should not distract your user: Write for the user first. It is better to keep the keyword density a bit low if you want to make some sales. High keyword density may make some of your visitors get distracted.

Keyword phrase density should also be kept high: There will be many bloggers who will be targeting the main keyword which you are targeting. It is always better to start blogging by using a particular keyword phrase which has low competition. Keyword phrase density can also help you get high traffic.

With the above tips in mind you can win many visitors by using your perfect keyword density formula. Keyword density should be high particularly in shorter posts. Optimizing these posts a little more by building some links to it with the keyword in the anchor text is a great way to get some quick and high traffic to your site. Any more ideas regarding the importance and maximum utilization of keyword density can be left behind in the comments section.